Grafting technique to improve cashew orchards

4/8/2017 8:07:56 AM

At present, the area of ​​old things in the area of ​​Binh Phuoc province occupies a large area leading to a gradual decrease in productivity.In order to improve productivity, farmers are required to perform rejuvenation of the cashew orchards, in which grafting is considered to be fast and highly efficient.For people to grasp basic grafting with a high rate of shoots, Journal of Science of the time would like to introduce the technique of grafting this crop.

According to engineer Nguyen Ngoc Linh, a cashing instructor at the Binh Phuoc Vocational Training and Farmer Support Center, cashew improvement is one of the contents of the Vietnam Sustainable Cashew Farming Scheme until 2020. Recently, the Department of Crop Production has issued temporary procedures for grafting improvement.At present, most of the cashew area in the province is planted with non-selective varieties such as small fruit, low fruit, low productivity and the percentage of old pests and diseases causing damage up to 70% of the area need to be renovated for children. Increase yield and quality of cashew nuts.

In the past, most farmers planted cashew orchards with live seed, so many flowering plants produced less fruit. Small cashew orchards if cutting down new planting will be very wasteful. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the transformation and the target is to stabilize the area in the direction of intensive farming, on the other hand to improve and re-size the old and low yield with new varieties together with the application of public science. Advanced technology.

Therefore, in order to graft with high shoots, prepare and carry out the following steps:

Select the grafted plants

In the garden not all plants must be grafted, so first select the annual flowering plants less priority first grafted, then select the trees though there are many fruits but small fruit, the rate of recovery is low.

Create rootstock

- Direct grafting method to the grafting needle: Select the graft branches and then remove the upper part, treat the cut with fat or fungicide to cut the skin.

- The method of creating new grafting buds: It is possible to select the branches available on the tree for grafting or pruning to create new buds for grafting.

Grafting tools

Hand saws, scissors, self-destructive rubber bands, rubber grafts (fixed buds), knives, grinders, graft bags.

Tools for grafting

Preparation of grafted buds

- Grafting buds are taken from the top of the line, the top row of orchards / buds are selected according to regulations.

Select appropriate shoots and shoots

- Criteria of trees: 8 years of age or more, productivity of at least 3 years continuously reaches over 3 tons / ha, stable over many years of harvest; High quality, less than 170 seeds / kg.

- For self-grafted households to improve their cashew gardens, the best cashew can be selected in the orchard for grafting. The elite cashew tree criterion is similar to the above criteria.

- The time to get the best grafting is when the tree is prepared for new leaves.

- Standard compound buds:

+ Prepared to shoot out green, but not too old;

+ Shoots outside the canopy;

+ Shoot diameter greater than 0.6 cm;

+ The length of shoots is 7 - 10 cm;

+ No insect pests.

After cutting the shoots, pruning the leaves, keeping the buds fresh by wrapping them in a damp cloth placed in a sponge, use ice at the bottom of the bin, separating it from the buds. Store in cool place, use buds not more than 4 days.

Coupling technique includes steps

Step 1: Processing scion wood

Use cauliflower knife on one side of shoots and grafts

Using scissors or saws (if large scionlings) cut axillary stem branches grafted 7-10 cm. Then use a spatula scabbard root scraping a flat surface from 3 to 4 cm to the layer of layers, not stripped of the shell, with axillary axillary points from 1.5 to 2 cm.

Step 2: Handle grafting

Using a boil knife bo a straight line (cauldron) as shown (1/2 diameter bo). The length of the cauldron is proportional to the length of the bud bud. The cauldron section is not stripped, remove the damaged parts, deep.

Step 3: Perform the transplant

Apply two sloping planes that are flush at the base of the graft and bind together so that at least one side of the skin is in contact with each other. Note: The base layer graft and graft match together. Use nylon rope to fix the sticks and grafts . Then use plastic tape self-destruct wrap wrapped stem graft and graft coupling does not escape water vapor.

Sprout and shoots after the cauldron and then proceed to bundle

Note: When performing grafting operations, it should be carried out quickly, avoiding stamping, leaving sand, soil and water sticking to two oblique planes.

Transplant time

It is recommended that grafting should be conducted at the end of April to the end of the 8th lunar month. Should be grafted in the morning, in cool weather, when the tree has enough water suction overnight, the best grafting time, light from 6-10 hours; Afternoon 14 - 17 hours. Do not transplant when sun is more susceptible to dehydration and cuttings dry quickly, or after the rain has stopped raining leaves are susceptible graft infection.

A complete bud after completion

Preventing insects, pests and grafting worms: Ending each day, the spray should be sprayed to prevent insects and pests from grafting and grafting (insects, mosquito bugs, bud bugs , Red worms ...). Vidithoate, Bian, selecron, callous, etc. can be used in the following 2 weeks. Propagation: Wild shoots around buds are pruned to focus on feeding buds.

Van Doan

Source: Journal of Science & Times


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